Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

20 November 2018, 14:05 - 15:00

Present: Balazs, Maiken, David, Anders, Mattias, Oxana, Aleksandr (chat only)

== News

Mattias: 5.4.3 updates are in Fedora, EPEL, Debian, awaiting being pushed to stable.
Maiken started looking at A-REX Ganglia issues, not everything is smooth. 
Balazs and David experienced some failures with runners, probably of an intermittent nature
Mattias W. is advertising Nordic ways in Asia, works on organising ARC+HTCondor event at ISGC in Taipei
BDII is now supported by INFN, not CERN, CREAM-CE will be officially unsupported since end-2020
Next Rucio workshop will be in Oslo, February 28 - March 1, preceded by a Nordic data management workshop on February 27 

== Bugs 

* 3772 - might be caused by the authorisation caching implementtaion
* 3771 - a way of having interactive jobs, works with gridftp

== ARC6 Release

Anders will try to create a new repository, Maiken will re-tag since there were other commits. Alpha announcement will be sent to nordugrid-discuss, but not to sysadmins. Offer help with configuration conversion to alpha testers. UMD should also be told of the alpha.Release notes file should be just called "Release notes", without version number.

David wants to have one big searchable file with release notes, and also an archive with old release notes. Can be fixed in Git.



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:20
      News 20m
      ARC-related news from various activities
    • 14:20 14:30
      Actions follow-up 10m
      Follow-up on actions defined at the previous meeting
    • 14:30 14:50
      Release status 20m
      Coming release status
    • 14:50 15:20
      Bugs 30m
      New bugs since previous meeting, as well as blockers and critical ones
    • 15:20 15:30
      A.O.B. 10m