Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

13/11/2018 core meeting
Present: Maiken, Anders, Mattias, Aleksander, Balazs, Oxana flying

i) information about Umeå arc6 retreat: slides, ARC6 configuration examples and ARC6 TODO list and release timeplan is linked on the event indico.

in particular, the release preparation steps read as:

-6.0.0a1 tagged: 9/11/2018
-Alpha (a1) binary packages available at 13/11/2018
-Alpha rolled out at Oslo, NSC, Slovenia, David’s boinc cluster: 19/11/2018
-Umeå last minute changes coded: 20/11/2018
-6.0.0a2 tagged: 23/11/2018
-Bug fixing, post-last-minute changes: 30/11/2018
-6.0.0a3 tagged: 3/12/2018
-Code cleanup development branch opens from master after the 6.0.0a3 tag: 4/12/2018
-Code cleanup branch tested and merged back to master: 11/12/2018
-6.0.0b1 tagged: 13/12/2018

-6.0.0 RELEASE tagged: sometime in January 2019

some found the schedule rather challenging

ii) ARC5 build is ready for updating the repo/webpage and announcement. 5.4.3 is out Today

iii) 6.0.0a1: after several changelog-related cleanup, the tagged master is ready for binary builds.  Anders & Maiken agreed howto do tagging, release versioning and binary building based on ARC6 in git.
arc6 alpha binaries will be available by tomorrow (14 November 2018). 

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