xrootd problem at NSC: need a bug report

datadelivery pid location problem: should be fixed in MR 701, but need to check logrotate

condor issues: wait for details from Florido, we need a working setup tested before release

slurm scratchdir issue: also in arc 5, bug report exists

PBS: no new issues with arc 6

ENV/LRMS-SCRATCH: TMPDIR can now be set, which fixes issues with slurm and atlas jobs

ENV/GLITE: some jobs ask for this even though they don't need it, previously in arc 5 a missing RTE was ignored but now it causes a failure. Enabling a dummy ENV/GLITE should be added to "doc for WLCG site"

ENV/CONTAINER: still experimental but will release as system RTE

Maiken has a condor docker RTE, which should be general enough for release as system RTE. Andrii will create it. https://source.coderefinery.org/nordugrid/arc/merge_requests/358/diffs

Plan to release docker images of arc 6

Fedora issues: should be fixed but not yet tested

Debian 9 GPG key invalid: Anders is checking

Andrej site: Belle cannot submit to lrms_belle queue: https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=140505 Florido should look at it

Documentation: proper accounting doc is being written by Andrii, people should look at other TODOs and do them. At some point we need a meeting to discuss finalising it.