Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

ZOOM link:

23 April 219, 14:05 - 14;35

Present: Maiken, Mattias, Anders, Balazs, Oxana

== News

Anders asks to clarify situation with Nagios probes; Maiken confirms that the decision holds: tags will be made independently (by Petter) and packages will be released from the NorduGrid repository, as usual. Mattias wonders whether the probes are Python3-compliant - everybody assumes that yes.

== ARC5 support statement

WLCG asked for a specific statement on ARC5 support with dates. The decision is to provide security upgrades until end-June 2020, and continue GGUS operatonal support until end-June 2021. The packages will stay in EPEL 7 as is; EPEL 8 will have only ARC6. If ARC6 release is delayed, ARC5 support can be extended. Security fixes will be regular bugfix releases (not patches).

== ARC6 release date

The release date will be clarified at the coming ARC6 meeting

== Bugs

Nothing to address

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