27 February 2024, 14:00 - 14:40

Present: Mattias, Aleksandr, Anders, Ievgen, Maiken, Oxana
Apologies: Balazs

== News

== Bugs

* Bug #4142 is ready for testing.
* ARC will be configured either with IGTF CA certs or system ones, not both, and symbolic links will not be recommended.
* Bug #4146 is accepted.

== Release

No blockers, if the CA certs are sorted out. We may have a beta soon. Documentation needs to be cleaned up. A meeting is needed to go through https://source.coderefinery.org/nordugrid/arc/-/issues/142 , possibly next week.

== Workshop 

The dates are still undecided: April 29-30 or May 2-3.