Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

ZOOM link:

5 March 2024, 14:10 - 15:05

Present: Ievgen, Balazs, Aleksandr, Maiken, Mattias, Anders, Oxana

== News

  • ESG / EGI integration work is ongoing. Paper to the NeIC conference is in works.
  • It's time to do a paper on ARC7, for CSBS
  • SSH framework is now rewritten, but looks like not it is not liked by the cluster. Can be distributed as an independent sub-package within ARC source tree. More work is needed to make it more reliable, still.

== Release

Alpha 2 will be tagged as soon as the merge request suceeds.

aCT needs to be tested with ARC7, needs some help from ATLAS experts.

ARCHERY stays.

== Workshop

At CERN April 29-30, starting Monday morning, ending Tuesday afternoon. Indico link:

== Bugs

* 4102 still needs a bit of work to make it perfect (got reopened)
* 4116 does not need to be fixed for ARC7, to be listed as a known issue

ARC7 issue in Gitlab is reviewed, several issues are fixed, documentation is still missing, and another look at unsolved issues is missing.


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