Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

28 February 2017, 14:00 - 15:05

Present: Maiken, Balazs, Mattias, Anders, David, Oxana

= News

Mattias pushed 5.2.2 to EPEL stable. David arranged access for Aleksandr to the problematic storage (see bug #3636), and Aleksandr found a problem in Globus, a patch exists. David added maxload= attribute with an empty value on Andrej's advice to the Triolith arc.conf, and even though it does not exist in the code, it helped Triolith to stay up for longer than half an hour. Florido removed heartbeat from everywhere, needs thorough testing. Oxana is keeping an eye on bugs, a couple of sites are struggling (Abel, Aurora, Triolith), for different reasons. Anders is re-doing download and nightly Web pages using Python. 

= Releases

Mattias will forward the #3636 patch to Globus. Performance logging solution is still unclear. The best would be to keep the logging part and yet make sure that everybody's happy with the access rights, more input from Aleksandr is needed. David found out that the new OpenSSL code is too strict w.r.t. CERN certs, will submit a bug report. JURA->ES reporting (bug 3585) needs more clarification with Gabor, Balazs might help. Timeline still holds.

= Bugs 

* 3633 - still an open question
* 3468 - unclear whether it should be fixed
* 3163 - needs feedback from Christian; David actually has set up Condor on his PC so can offer a testbed
* 2036 - still open
* 3384 - a feature request
* 3615 - needs an SGE testbed; Christian's input is needed as well
* 3625 - reported by Martin to Christian, still unattended
* 3585 - implemented by Dima, but should be done in the code in a better manner
* 3640 - not really a bug but rather a confusion over what "running" means from the client perspective

= A.O.B.

NG2017 preparations are ongoing.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:20
      News 20m
      ARC-related news from various activities
    • 14:20 14:30
      Actions follow-up 10m
      Follow-up on actions defined at the previous meeting
    • 14:30 14:50
      Release status 20m
      Coming release status
    • 14:50 15:20
      Bugs 30m
      New bugs since previous meeting, as well as blockers and critical ones
    • 15:20 15:30
      A.O.B. 10m