Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

14 March 2017 - chat only, notes taken from the Skype chat
Participants: Maiken, Aleksandr, Matias, Balazs, Oxana

== Release

Maiken noticed that Aleksandr is done with 3636 and 3641, that basically means that we have a version that can start being tested for the minor release. According to then most of the points are settled. 

Bug #3603 got reopened, has a simple patch, would be nice to have it in for the release (HTCondor back-end).

== arc.conf restructuring

Maiken reintegrated the branch into trunk and sent an email about it, needs other developers to quality assure it though. Aleksandr will do his part during this week.

A doodle for weekly meetings dedicated to restructuring will be created.

== Deleting old branches

Seems to be tempting, especially after having a broken branch. There is no procedure/tradition, we are just forgetting them. Aleksandr likes the idea of clearly marking abandoned branches, suggests moving them to abandoned_branches folder. Maiken will investigate best practices.

== Performance logs -> ES

Maiken negotiated a go-ahead from Mattias and Petter, Dima knows technical details. It is not clear how much disk space is needed, 1TB per node is suggested as a starter.



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