Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

11 April 2017, 14:05 - 14:50

Present:Maiken, Balazs, Mattias, David, Aleksandr, Oxana 
Apologies: Anders

== News

Configuration re-configuring work is ongoing, progress can be tracked in Wiki (link here) and through notes in Indico. Mattias uploaded packages to repos. ARC 5.3.0 is up in Oslo, but a-rex suffers frequent crashes, looks much like bug 3554 (wontfix). Looks like a serious problem that needs some serious discussion at NG2017; Aleksandr comments that spawning processes is dead stable, this is what unix-like systems are based on. Maiken checked that job submission will fail when old non-RSI proxy is supplied. 

== Bugs

Bug list should include bugs that are 10+ years old (gradually decreasing the age).

* 3649 - more info is needed
* 3163 - increasing the priority didn't help, so decrease it back and wait 3 years more

== ARC6

Preparations and procedures are described in Wiki: . Aleksandr says that at the moment merging event-service branch into trunk at the moment will destroy trunk. It is mostly ready, and hopefully can be merged, but need continuos sync with trunk, and when time comes needs re-testing. A lot of code conflicts are expected from ths merging. At any rate, this should happen before the new configuration merger. aleksandr feels like the branch needs to be tested before merging, as he expects many bugs.

Anders will be asked to enable nightly builds for the event-driven branch.



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