20 June 2017 14:10 - 15:30

Present: Balazs, Mattias, David, Maiken, Oxana

* Meeting started with discovering that Skype is down, so moved to Vidyo.

* May digest is approved

= News

Mattias pushed 5.3.1 into EPEL, even though it has broken Nagios probes. Also removed old shell parsers from ARC configuration.

David was at the ATLAS s/w week, nothing particularly ARC-related.

Oxana: learned a bit about the Globus Toolkit situation (will not be maintained by Globus any more, GridFTP services wil be provided via Globus Online with a different authorisation scheme and closed source); Mattias E. is approached by Mattias W. as a candidate to do maintenance on a best-effort basis. dCache re-implemented GridFTP in Java so needs no GT; 3rd party transfers is the main reason why WLCG still uses GridFTP, so it is important to understand how does it affect ARC.

Balazs: The issue of supporting other communities, (non-ATLAS) needs special attention, direct communication channels are missing, since there is no non-ATLAS effort allocated.

Maiken works on SVN->Git conversion; tries a cloud setup similar to what the Swiss are doing.


= Release

Mattias can push the fixed Nagios 1.9.1 as release candidate into EPEL, and have 15.03u15 with 5.3.1 ARC and 1.9.1 Nagios. If Nagios 1.9.1 is ready tomorrow, then we release 15.03u15 straight away. If it takes longer, we can do 5.3.2 tag as well.


= Bugs

* 3655 - unclear why not fixed yet, Maiken will clarify with Aleksandr
* 3653 - Mattias removed some dependencies which were due to parsers, but Python bindings remain an issue. Despite this, the bug can be resolved.
* 3664 - rather belongs to client
* 3665 - David will add a comment
* 3667 - to be discussed at the tech meeting
* 3662 - needs feedback from Anders
* 3663 - needs careful attention, looks like an LDAP schema problem