Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

4 July 2017, 14:10 - 15:15

Present: Mattias, David, Anders, Maiken, Oxana
Apologies: Balazs, Aleksandr

= News

Everybody's back home after the conference; Maiken got elastic cluster working

= Release

Waiting for everything to be built; Anders plans to have the nightlies back, there are some yet unclear technical issues. Nagios release candidate is OK, still unclear whether it should be tagged in git or in SVN. Anders will ask Petter to tag 1.9.1 and push it to SVN. Maiken will prepare release notes.

The plan is to have the release candidate tested on 3 sites via tarballs.

Perflogging needs to be more discussion, especially in the light of ARC6 - a candidate for removal, or for some more secure/acceptable implementation (see also bug 3670 below).

= Bugs

* 3670 - add to the sysadmin manual "Be aware that this makes the directory world writable, please consult the experts before turning it on".
* 3669 - seems to be a discrepancy between Glue2 and other schemas.
* 3653 - Mattias should close it, even though David finds it annoying.

10+ y.o. bugs: remove feature requests from the list; many (all?) can be re-branded as feature requests

= A.O.B.

Anders retires old mailing lists, including aliases for NG conferences until 2016

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