11 July 2017 14:05 - 14:40

Present: Balazs, David, Mattias, Aleksandr, Oxana
Apologies: Maiken

== Broken CLI in 5.3.2

David: people should know that CLI in 5.3.2 is not working due to bug 3672 (which means nagios plugins don't work either). CE needs not being downgraded. Mattias apparently already made a patch in Fedora: applied 3 patches to resolve hanging (5.3.2-3 in EPEL now). Unfortunately, 5.3.2 in the nordugrid repo is w/o patches. Some discussion goes on regarding which way to go:

1. Retract 5.3.2 from everywhere
2. Patch 5.3.2 in NG repo
3. Roll back patches in EPEL (and go to 1)

1 and 3 imply a new tag 5.3.3. If Anders can patch 5.3.2 today or tomorrow, then 2 is good, and we need no new release procedure to kick in. Action: Anders checks whether it is doable.

If (2) works, 5.3.3 can be tagged later, Aleksandr has more fixes for that.

== Performance of HTTP file transfers

Still inferior to gridftp, Aleksandr can do some improvements, TCP tuning may also be needed. A Bugzilla ticket is needed to trace the progress.

== Bugs

* 3672 - see above
* 3655 - Aleksandr likes it open 
* 3653 - Mattias should close it
* 3670 - Oxana will resolve it as Fixed (done by Maiken)

== REST interface

Aleksandr started work on REST interface, plan to add minimal functionality by next week.