23 January 2018, 14:00 - 14:50

Present: Anders (until 14:30), Maikem Mattias, Balazs, Aleksandr, David, Oxana

== News

ARC 6 meetings will be held every other Wednesday at 10:00; Balazs will create an Indico page

Anders is preparing to shut down SVN once migration to Git is completed. Arc-conf-restructuring is read-only.

David and Andrej met with CSCS people, they liked the sysadmin guide and especially the REST part, even though it is not released yet - would like to offer REST/json to their integrators. A real challenging part is swiching from X509 to OAuth2.

EOSC: Oxana summarised the background behind EOSC-hub.

Git planning: there will be a master branch and a release branch; commits will be to the master branch; no special branches for minor/bugfix releases. Maiken will send around instructions to test.

VOMS changes the authorisation model because of GDPR, has implications for nordugridmap. OTOH, ARC itself does not need it. Balazs will formulate an answer to UMD.

== Bugs

* 3686: re-opened, Florido is on it
* 3702: certificates should not be checked for some protocols
* 3703: in progress
* 3704: from GGUS report
* 3705: from discussions in the ARC6 meeting

== A.O.B.

NorduGrid conference: preferably in summer