13 February 2018, 14:05 - 14:50
Present: Balazs, Aleksandr, Anders, Mattias, Maiken, Oxana

== News

Balazs: authorisation is changing (VOMS retires, OAuth2 is coming), we need a developer. Oxana thinks SciTokens (https://scitokens.org/) will be endorsed. Someone has to join the WLCG authorisation group. Balazs will listen to the mailing list.

Oxana: perhaps the upcoming ARC6 can be better advertised.

Anders is changing authorisation for Bugzilla.

Git testing ongoing. Documents should be moved to gitlab, too - a separate repository.

Digest: remove comment on branching model.

== Bugs

* 3706: a back-end experts has to have a look
* 3707: Aleksandr is investigating

== A.O.B.

The conference is still preferred in June