22 May 2018, 14:00 - 14:40
Present: Maiken, Balazs, Aleksandr, Anders, David, Mattias, Oxana (intermittently)

== News:

Balazs presented his proposed solution for the simplified information system in wlcg.  The proposal is  similar to nordugrid schema. A json file is planned, and it contains static information only.
Probably only ARC and Condor will implement this. In GOCDB there will be an url that points to the json file location.
When it comes to dynamic information:  the experiments will deal with it themselves, using e.g. pilots. 
WLCG Baseline services table:  https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WLCGBaselineTable - latest ARC version should be updated from 5.0.2 to 5.3.1 (5.3.0 is broken version).
David: NTR
Mattias: Openssl 1.1 coming soon, should start checking that we are ok with that
Aleksandr: Playing with scitokens
Oxana: NTR
Maiken: NTR

== Nordugrid conference:

More of an internal meeting this time.
Maybe ARC overview talks are not necessary.
Other suggestions for program content: Rod could possibly give a talk on "novel batch systems"

== Bugs:

* One new bug in gitlab, Maiken to look at.
* One in  bugzilla (3712) Christian should be reminded.