Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons
NorduGrid technical coordination meeting 2018-06-12 14:00 (skype)
Present: Mattias, Balazs, Oxana, Maiken, David, Anders, Aleksandr


Notes and presentations from NorduGrid 2018 in Garching available in Indico.
Everyone should read the notes and take note of action items.

Information about some earlier NorduGrid conferences whose web pages were
hosted outside NorduGrid infrastructure are no longer reachable.

Anders changed the wiki's host certificate from NorduGrid to Let's Encrypt.
The wiki redirects to https.
Some users have problems logging in.
The choice whether to log in or not is persistent for the session and
can not be changed without restarting the browser.
Anders wants to add a login / logout button, at some point.

Bugzilla issues should be marked resolved when a merge request for the
issue is submitted, and closed when it is merged.

David has been testing the REST interface. Works quite well, apart from some
problems with delegation. No performance tests yet.

Since documentation have not yet moved to git, changes should be made in svn.

Maiken submitted CHEP presentation for approval.

The "local" plugin was named "internal".

Bugzilla issues:

3712 The script chokes on environment variable with multiline values
     Anders reminds Christian to accept bug
3717 LRMS backends has an issues with new config structure parsing

3714 ARC6: A-rex slow to pick up finished jobs
     Aleksandr thinks it is fixed, but there were some problems with the merge
3716 Failed to get information from EMI-ES
     Aleksander says "It fixed by it and still waitning for info from Andrii" 
3718 and other LRMS modules do not fallback to default *_bin_path if not
     defined in arc.conf

GitLab issues:

#17 Can't run datadelivery service if arex is also configured in arc.conf
#21 controldir periodically changes to mode to Running ARC in LOCAL mode as
    normal user
#23 gm-jobs does weird stuff
    David says "it seems like the gm-jobs problem was fixed at some point -
    I don't see it in latest master, so will close the issue"
#24 ARC in LOCAL submission mode without emies - arex still expects
#28 lots of perl warnings
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