[10:14:03] Balázs Kónya: decision: enable the rest build
[10:16:39 | Edited 10:18:29] Balázs Kónya: decision: add a configure option for enable zeroconf and Mattias should turn this on during packaging
[10:19:41] Balázs Kónya: decision: we are ready to tag the alpha release and a first announcement.
[10:25:59] Balázs Kónya: decision: feedback for alpha bugs to be entered in bugzilla
[10:32:30 | Edited 10:32:44] Balázs Kónya: decision: alpha binary packages (signed) will be made available from download.nordugrid.org
[10:35:53] Balázs Kónya: Decision: Balazs moves all deleted blocks/parameters to a separate file
[10:40:10] Aleksandr Konstantinov: [common] sthould state it does not turn off any functionality.
[10:40:19] Aleksandr Konstantinov: Or it shoudl state taht it is a must.
[10:40:59] Aleksandr Konstantinov: "The common block options may be overridden by the specific sections of the components later." makes impression that each option canbe moved to other blocks.
[10:41:27] Aleksandr Konstantinov: Just clarify tha tit can't be moved arbitrarily.
[10:41:34] Balázs Kónya: i'll add common is mandatory
[10:48:25] Balázs Kónya: decision: [common] mandatory. validator checks for it
[10:48:49] Balázs Kónya: [authgroup:allowedusers]
[10:48:55] Aleksandr Konstantinov: [authgoup] should explicitely state it defines group.
[10:49:06] Aleksandr Konstantinov: Currently it does not.
[10:49:31] Aleksandr Konstantinov: It does not say one block one group
[10:50:02] Aleksandr Konstantinov: Yes, that would be definition of functionality of [authgroup]
[10:50:41] Balázs Kónya: decision: authgroup should say one such block defines one group
[10:51:18 | Edited 10:51:29] Aleksandr Konstantinov: [mapping] not clear which rules are covered - initially gridmapfile was out of band rules-wise.
[10:51:26] Balázs Kónya: [mapping]
[10:52:08] Aleksandr Konstantinov: I suggest to clearly state that it is all about all mapping ant default for gridmap is undefined.
[10:52:36] Aleksandr Konstantinov: Curently gridmap= only defines default, not functionality itself.
[10:55:51] Balázs Kónya: agree. so we continue the arc.conf clarification next week.
[10:57:08] Aleksandr Konstantinov: RESTful intrerface is not turnable on/off. It is codewise coexists with EMIES.
[10:57:12] Andrii Salnikov: we will have known issue that rest is not turned off :-) but at lease have it in arc.conf :)
[10:59:25] Balázs Kónya: [arex/ws/rest] should be there
[11:00:59] Balázs Kónya: Aleks, as it is now, do you get rest automatically if [arex/ws/emies] is on?
[11:01:22] Aleksandr Konstantinov: Yes, RESTful is available alongside with EMIES.
[11:01:33] David Cameron: https://bugzilla.nordugrid.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3755
[11:02:07] Aleksandr Konstantinov: So it is not a bug.
[11:02:17] David Cameron: yes, a feature
[11:02:41] Andrii Salnikov: point to consider later: [arex/ws/emies] renaming to catch-all [arex/ws/jobs] ?
[11:02:58] Balázs Kónya: Aleks, we decided not to add a rest block yet. we keep thing as it is for the alpha.
[11:03:17] Aleksandr Konstantinov: And [arex/ws/info] and [arex/ws/delegation] ...