Meeting of the board of the particle and astro-particle section, 10.08.2018

Present: Arnaud, Joakim, Roman, Caterina, Christian, Riccardo

* Roman Pasechnik was elected as “justeringsperson”

* Masterclasses article to Fysikaktuellt:
- Too long as it is: Margareta suggested to cut it 2300 characters + picture.
- Christian will shorten the text before August 16, the board has a quick look on August 17 and, if no complain, Arnaud sends it to Margareta (by evening August 17th).
- Caterina can provide a picture, only the organisers are recognisable, not the students. We need the green light of the people on the pictures

—> Caterina will email them.

* Letter to VR: Arnaud, Karin Schönning and Joakim Cederkäll are preparing a letter to be sent to Lars Kloo to ask for funds for Swedish representative travels to international committees. When ready, send to the board only for information.

* Partikeldagarna:

- two invited speakers: Yannis -> 17/10 after the coffee break, ~3 p.m. (flight booked); Anna -> 16/10 before lunch (flight and hotel to be booked, no answer from her so Caterina will jump in).

- public lecture: talk to Ulf again to book flight/hotel and provide abstract and picture for a poster —> Arnaud will follow up.

- political talks on 17/10 in the morning: no reply from Johan Rathsman; Kerstin suggested that we invite Lars Kloo and the board is happy with that (we pay for the flight and one hotel night); we can invite high-school students or a teacher to talk about the CERN high-school visits —> Arnaud will follow up.

- time to open registration and collect abstracts:
* People need to register on the Lund Indico
* Payment information: same as last year, fee and dinner = 500+500 SEK per person, this info needs to be put on Indico + program block on the timetable

—> Caterina will follow up.
* Caterina and Roman draft a mail and send it to the board before Tuesday August 14th and we aim at opening registration shortly after, before August 17.
* Hotel block-booking to be organised now (tick box, to be added to the fee)

—> Roman will follow up
* Abstract submission deadline on September 20th:
next meeting on Monday, September 24 at 3.15PM to finalise the program.
* ATLAS group reports to be replaced by thematic reports, no change for PhD student talks. No poster session unless we have a huge number of student talks.