Board meeting 24.09.2018

Present: Arnaud, Riccardo, Christian, Joakim, Caterina, Roman, Yvonne and Christophe

1) The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

2) Justeringsperson = Christian Ohm

3) Partikeldagarna: 30 abstracts, 2 invited talks (45+15) and one session for political talks, see Excel file attached to Partikeldagarna

day 1
10:15-11:45 90 => 6 talks: astro-particle [yellow]
13:45-15:15 90 => 6 talks: 2 astro-particle + 3 accelerators + 1 instrumentation [green]
15:45-17:15 90 => 6 talks: ATLAS shorter talks [orange]

day 2
11:00-12:45 105 => ATLAS summaries (45’) + ALICE + 3 DM talks [dark pink]
13:45-15:00 90 => 5 talks: others [blue]
15:30-16:15 45 => 3 talks: others [light brown]

495 minutes & ATLAS should get 45 minutes in total => 450/30 = 15 minutes per talk.

Arnaud, Caterina and Roman will prepare an agenda and then circulate to the rest of the board for feedback.

European Strategy Day: 50 persons * 50 SEK for fika = 2500 SEK on our budget.

4) Book review:

Anne-Sofie Mårtensson (Nationalkommittén) suggested us to review a book on particle physics with Legos:

The Swedish version apparently has some factual mistakes, so one should also review the English version to check if it was a problem in translation.

Target: supposedly article in March 2019.

We were a bit confused about in what capacity the board was asked to do this. Also, the origin of the request was not entirely clear. It would be good to know more, since a review can be seen as an advertisement. Christian Ohm asked Elisabeth Rachlew at KTH (one of the editors of Fysikaktuellt) how this was usually done, and she said they try to get books reviewed, but not by (or even through) the boards.

=> we should advertise by email and/or at Partikeldagarna.

5) Master/bachelor student visits to CERN:

Yvonne’s students often want to visit CERN, high-schools do but not universities. Detector visits are through the appropriate service, unless one knows a guide personally on the inside (and only when there is no data-taking).

Could we organise a yearly event for students? CERN is difficult because of flights, DESY is a bit easier according to Caterina. Christian is still a guide so he’s happy to help Yvonne. For a bigger event, one could have rotating activities to ensure groups of 12 max underground… Something to think about until next time? Christian pointed out that organising a visit for a smaller group (up to 20 people) can be done quite easily, but if we want to scale this up, it requires quite a lot of work and preparation for logistics, accommodation, food in the cafeteria, etc.