Board meeting 17.01.2019
Present: Arnaud, Caterina, Chad, Christian, Joakim, Riccardo, Roman, Yvonne.
* Justeringsperson: Yvonne
* The minutes of the last meeting were approved:
Arnaud has been in contact with Per Karlsson at VR, he was going to talk with his boss, who resigned just before Christmas. So not much has happened and he will ask the leader of the communication department at VR to check the Terms of Reference for EPPCN and decide whether VR wants to pursue this activity.
Riccardo has check if Chalmers would be willing to contribute to the IPPOG fee. Positive feedback from individuals, but no commitment yet. Joakim checked at SU and it’s more difficult there.
* Plan S for Open-Access publications:
The European Commission is pushing for publication in journals where authors pay for publication instead of subscription-based journals (
“By 2020 scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants provided by participating national and European research councils and funding bodies, must be published in compliant Open Access Journals or on compliant Open Access Platforms.”
If our funding agencies sign it, there is a risk (fear) that Swedish physicists will not be able to publish in high-quality non-profit journals and that quantity will prevail over quality for published articles. An initiative was taken to ask funding agencies not to sign plan S. Feedback must be provided by 1st of February.
Arnaud will the Swedish Physics Society if any action is taken from their side. If yes, should we participate? Can we get a consensus at board/section level given the diversity of the community? Points about which we worry could be raised rather than make a statement. It will take time to act (if we decide to) and time is too short to collect and provide feedback. It’s more efficient to advertise the feedback page to the section and let individuals express their opinion. Arnaud will circulate a draft mail to the board, to be sent to the section early next week.
* ATLAS virtual visits:
Caterina provided a draft of an email advertising the virtual visits to be sent to the schools interested in Masterclasses and in the Physics Olympics. One remaining question is whether we would offer our own (Swedish) participation to the visits if we are at CERN. We would need someone with a significant presence at CERN or Swedish people at CERN from non-Swedish institutes. Christian will send more information. Is there a way to get a list of Swedes at CERN? Yes, the mailing lists swedes-at-cern. Christian will work on that, extending to other experiments providing virtual visits. The target is to advertise these during our Masterclasses in March.
* AOB: Masterclasses
The schedule is final so act now if some institutes want to join. There will be an IceCube Masterclass for the first time. For ATLAS, UU = March 11, SU/KTH = April 3, LU = April 5.