ARC 6 progress



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)

Present: Florido, Maiken, David, Mattias, Andrii, Oxana, Aleksandr, Balazs (notes)


- arc6 alpha 3 testing:

passive testing in Oslo and LInköping crashing site in Linköping.  Initial problem with repo is fixed (bug 3785). Installation guide exists.

DECISION: we'll use the ARC-CE debugging skype chat as the interactive support channel for ARC6 testing as long as it is not growing too-large (then we would move over to slack)

ACTION: investigate with Jens the Linköping case, it is not blocking

- code cleanup branch:

DECISION: development branch to be opened for code cleanup Today.  add nightly builds onto this branch.

list of things that should be removed/cleaned:

    • CREAM, unicore,

    • windows & solaris stuff,

    • JAVA bindings,

    • BES and other non-EMI WS flavours

    • EMIR, EGIIS (not from the client)

    • JDL, JSDL,

    • WS-monitor

- Discussion of the new proposed cli simplification scheduled for next Wednesday. Martin is needed for that.

- Documentation update: lots of work

ii) REview of the Readme file. Discussed Florido's proposal and agreed to streamline the Readme file by separating off most of the testing/build related information

ACTION: Florido implements the agreed changes in the README.


- AOB: there'll be an ARC workshop in Taipei (1st April) , a good opportunity to showcase ARC6. For that we should have the ARC6 stable release preferably out in mid March, the latest.






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