Present: Andrii, Maiken, Oxana, Mattias, Florido, David, Martin, Aleksandr, Balazs
-alpha status: there are issues run into but those are not considredworse than ARC5
- David reports about problems related to metapackages, repositories
after a long discussion we concluded that we need a metapackage targeting the typical wlcg CE deployment (e.g. arc-wlcgce)
DECISION: Mattias comes with such a metapackage (including name proposal.)
ACTION: Anders to fix the packages in the repo
ACTION: work on the clode cleanup dev branch.
ACTION: Balazs sends list of stuff to clean up, Maiken adds a file to the branch with that content.
Discussion: CLI proposal. Martin evaluated the proposal and it is implementable for ARC6.
Action: create a new dev branch for this work.
Documentation status presented by Andrii. Instructions howto contribute to documentation is here:
the proposed structure is open for feedback
ACTION: Andrii, Florido, Balazs will define documentation placeholders
ACTION: Andrii merges his documentation branch to the master
Long discussion about the format/content of the Readme.rst file. Florido thinks he understands what Aleksandr wants and provide a solution :)