Present: Maiken, David, Florido, Aleksandr, Andrii, Balazs


i) Repository for ARC6 packages:  not yet populated. it has been delayed for quite some time. there is a need for a solution.


DECISION: Maiken should get access to the repository together with all the instructions


ii) dev-cleanup branch status:

David, Florido already done with their intended cleanup work done earlier on the master. Aleksandr needed more arguments why to remove old unused code. Many need more specific tasks on what to purge.

ACTION: Balazs assigns cleanup subtasks to people in the cleanup branch. This info will be entered into the coderefinerybranch directly.  Deadline to carry out the assigned cleanup is end of next week (22nd February)

working on the cleanup branch: no need for merge requests, push the changes directly onto the branch


iii) implementation of the cli streamlining: DEADLINE for this work also set for 22nd February


iv) release schedule:  target release date: 8th March. Before that we plan to have one or two test release tags. (e.g. a tag after the cleanup work completed)

v) Information about ARC6: it is still not easy to find the relevant links, pointers. Too many scattered sources. 

DECISION: "Andrii's page" will be the official starting point for ALL ARC6 related info. NO Wiki, or any other place for ARC6 info.

OFFICIAL ARC6 (start)page: : (or updated after every documentation commit). 

The source where you should edit the content:

ACTION: The ARC6 page should be linked and made more visible from the various pages of Balazs will talk to Oxana about that.