Present: Florido, David, Andrii, Balazs, Mattias, Maiken,
i) RC1 status: Dyma gave the green light, the code is ready to be tagged as rc1
DECISION: tag RC1 Today
ii) packages for RC1
ACTION: Anders to produce official release candidate packages
ACTION2: Maiken to announce the availability of the RC once the packages are out.
iii) deployment tests reports:
so far Dyma and Christian played with nightlies
iv) discovered problems:
- large number of open sockets: is this a problem or an expected behaviour? Need answer from Aleksandr
- clusteralias: fixed
- accounting changes of Andrii to be checked with Dyma
v) arc6 timeline update
-testing rc1 completed on varousreal sites: 22nd March
-rc2 or final arc6 can be out 27 March
vi) Documentation:
--release note for arc6 : needs serious work
--arc.conf.reference still needs cleanup (e.g. TODOs, leftover notes)