Styrelsemöte 12/04/2019

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

Arnaud Ferrari

Board meeting- 12 April 2019

Present: Arnaud, Joakim, Christian, Riccardo, Chad, Roman

* the minutes of the last meeting are approved.

* justeringsperson = Riccardo

* News:

- Kristina Careborg, webmaster at VR, will be the new Swedish delegate for EPPCN, replacing Patrik Engelmark who temporarily acted as such.
- The Nordic Physics Days will be held in Uppsala on August 19-21, 2020. Arnaud is in the organisation committee. A webpage will appear soon and we will need to contact sections for elementary- and astro-particle physics in other Nordic countries soon to discuss the program and one plenary speaker.

* Partikeldagarna in Linköping 2-3 October, together with Physics Days:

- we agreed on collecting our own fee and then reimburse the Physics Days organisers the fee of that meeting (including dinner on October 3 or not) + fika and room rent on October 2. Not clear about the costs and if Particle Days can help with the travel and hotel costs for one of our plenary speakers.
- Yasmine Amhis (LAL Orsay, France) has accepted our invitation, now we need a speaker about VHE gamma rays and dark matter, preferably in Europe => go back to Yvonne for other names? David Berge is another suggestion. Christian will draft an invitation after others not connected agree.
- we need an organisation committee of 2-3 persons who will be responsible for setting up the Indico page, registration, prepare the program, etc. Arnaud will be involved + one/two new members, if possible with a CERN account to have Indico access: Christian and Riccardo.
- milestones: preliminary program and Indico page in late May, budget and open registration in June, collect abstracts before end of August.
- setting up the scientific program takes a lot of time and care, the logistics will be the responsibility of the people in Linköping.

* Election of the next board at Partikeldagarna:

- Arnaud, Roman, Chad and Yvonne will step down at the end of 2019.
- The current “new” members should email Arnaud if they wish to continue or not before we decide how many new members we should elect.
- Do we want to go back to 8 members? YES
- We need to assign a valberedning by the end of May, with balance wrt gender, location and theory/experiment, e.g. one female experimentalist from Stockholm/Uppsala and one male theorist from Lund/Göteborg. Last time it was Olga Botner and Leif Lönnblad.

* AOB:

- Virtual visits: we have a google document with a list of Swedish people at CERN to guide in person or virtually. Put a list of names on our section webpage, but very few people for a virtual visit. After that, revisit the mail to high-schools.

- Next meeting in the second half of May:


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:05
      Election of justeringsperson 5m
    • 13:05 13:10
      Approval of last minutes 5m
    • 13:10 13:15
      News 5m
    • 13:15 13:35
      Particle + Swedish and Nordic Physics Days 20m
    • 13:35 13:55
      Towards a new board 2020-2021 20m
    • 13:55 14:00
      AOB 5m