Present: Maiken, David, Andrii, Mattias, Balazs, Florido, Anders, Oxana (last part)
i) status of the latest release candidate:
- accounting: green light by Andrii and Andrej
DECISION: introduce a patch for the problem
- startup scripts: systemd has missing features (missing validate), Andrej proposes to rework the two sets of scripts.
Florido mentions lots of PATHs are hardcoded in systemd, instead of taking from configuration will be fixed
DECISION: fix only the missing validate and the pid for ARC6. The rest to be investigated later.
- builds: rawhide problem resolved by Mattias. We are good with all platforms. Package signing yet to be investigated/solved. Checkpoint on Monday noon.
infosys: no blockers, no problem with GLUE2 either
David: merged smaller python fixes
Maiken: green light
Anders/Peter: Nagios probes doesn't work with ARC6. Unclear if it is Neic or EGI, or if it is a new monitoring feature. Details:
ii) release timeline:
- pending fixes and last merges to be done Thursday noon.
- Decision: Thursday nightlies to be tagged as RC6 and rolled out on: Oslo, Slovenia, Copenhagen, David. Nothing to be announced.
If things go green then the release procedure starts on Monday, 20th May.
NEXT Call: Wednesday 10:30, please note the shifted start time due to the Neic conference