Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

ZOOM link:

8 October 2019, 14:00 - 15:10

Present: Balazs, David, Maiken, Anders, Aleksandr, Oxana

== News

ARC-CE run now in the USA and Poland, but none is visible in the Monitor. 
Build issues of RHEL8 vs Rawhide are investigated, also 32bit platforms on Ubuntu 13.10 and 14.04 have issues with memory, unclear what causes it, probably new compilation optimisations.

Discussion on old platforms and comilers: The best is not to promise support for these old platforms - the fact that s/w builds does not necesarily means that it is released and supported on these platforms. Release notes will be reformulated  to say that only those OS versions are supported that are supported by vendors, and reference builds exist for many other platforms. Two architectures are currently supported. Aleksandr also would like to be able to use new compiler features (C++ 11 at least, C++ 17 is even better), which can break portability to older platforms. 

Maiken is working on CHEP presentation on ARC cache.

== Release

Release dates are shifting, communication with developers is shaky, probably because the ng-disc list is too big, perhaps communication via gitlab can be investigated, targeting developers only.

Accounting will not be a part of he release, some new bugs were discovered and fixed, but not all fixes are tested yet (bulding goes on, will be tested at NSC). ACIX startup scripts bug is not fixed yet. All this means that tagging will be further postponed.

There's a standing problem that there's no automatic way of doing production deployment tests, as there can be many production configiurations.

Release notes will start getting prepared.


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