Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

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15 October 2019, 14:05 - 14:40
Present: Anders, Mattias, Maiken, Balazs, Aleksandr, Oxana

== News

Balazs and Andrii started to write new ARCHERY page, to replace old info on the Web site. Oxana is preparing for the ARC tutorial at HEPiX. Mattias made relevant updates for Python 3 based Nagios probes, all repos are ready. Anders worked on builds, considers adding CentOS 8. Maiken works on CHEP presentation.

== Release

Release notes are being prepared, too. Will include Bugzilla bug titles, which will need a clean-up as sometimes they are not self-explanatory.

Every large change must have an entry in Bugzilla, this includes new features. This will automate release note generation.

Anders considers also Debian 10 build.


== Bugs

* 3864 - unclear whether it is fixed

David wants to have arcctl available outside arex as a package, possibly as a standalone, e.g. for the data delivery service.


== AOB

nordugrid-arc-doc should be retired from newer distributions (Rawhide and Debian unstable)


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