21 January 2020, 14:00 - 14:40

Present: Balazs, David, Aleksandr, Mattias, Anders, Maiken
Apologies: Oxana

== News:

EUDOMAX proposal (data management for EuroHPC) was submitted last week
Retirement of EGIIS (on 29 Feb) and rollout of ARCHERY, mail sent to ng-discuss
AAI token-based hackathon last week, most implementations are at Hello world level
There will be a REST interface discussion Thursday at 10:00

== Release:

Planned release 6.5, a "normal" release with bug fixes and new features including new client aliases
ARC 6 client documentation will be written for this release and not older ones


- xrootd fixes deployed on two sites, looks good
- Cancelled jobs get stuck problem is almost fixed, not blocking any more
- Waiting on review of Globus packaging split


- Wait until Friday to monitor site which had the cancelled jobs problem
- Testers should test nightlies next week
- Aim for tag on 3 Feb

== Bugs:

- 3902: being discussed, problem not yet identified and so not yet assigned
- 3901: David will take it, but won't fix it anytime soon
- 3897: Mattias will take it
- 3894: Anders will fix soon
- 3846: Awaiting a condor expert, David will ask Petr Vokac if he can commit to be our condor supporter
- 3841: Should be fixed
- 3898: Good project for a student