Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

ZOOM link:

18 February 2020, 14:05 - 14:50
Present: David, Mattias, Aleksandr, Anders, Maiken, Oxana
Apologies: Balazs

== News

ARC 6.5 turns out to be too verbose because of "Cache cleaning takes too long" messages added to debug an issue but appearing at the INFO level (not DEBUG). OTOH it is only link cleaning, so shouldn't take long. A configurable timeout for triggering such messages would be useful. Code dealing with sessiondir and cache may also need optimisation.
The trend to use supercomputers for everything is picking up, funding agencies seem to prefer this model.
There probably will be an AuthN/Z hackathon in Lund on May 10-11, ARC presence would be nice (if the hackathon happens).
There are still problems with builds on CentOS8 with Mock, it is much easier to install Fedora 31 instead.

== Release

ARC 6.5 is announced, no plans yet for the new release. Controldir re-arrangement is a big and risky change, and though it works for Aleksandr, it still needs to be tested with back-ends (not just fork), so should not be rushed. Maiken will make an issue to track it.

== Bugs

Bug 3841 got tangled, needs to be closed and a clean one should be created.

== A.O.B.

Timing of the NorduGrid conference is not clear yet, may even be postponed to after summer.

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