Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

ZOOM link:

17 December 2019, 14:00 - 14:37

Present: Balazs, David, Aleksandr, Mattias, Anders, Oxana
Apologies: Maiken

== News
Splitting Globus packages turns out to be not an easy task, there's an issue tracked in Gitlab.
On January 16-17 there will be a token-based authorisation hackathon at CERN.
Latest xrootd fixes are good to be released.
Mail server needs to be fixed to prevent spamming and such, so the mails will be coming from the list.
K8s pre-GDB: a vision for remote management of smaller resources.

== Release plan
A bugfix release for xrootd fixes, 6.5.0, to happen some time next year (tentatively end-January). Improved clients and new packaging etc should be included.

== Bugs
* #3893 looks bad enough, but not reported by many sites

== AOB
No meetings until January 7 

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:20
      News 20m
      ARC-related news from various activities
    • 14:20 14:30
      Actions follow-up 10m
      Follow-up on actions defined at the previous meeting
    • 14:30 14:50
      Release status 20m
      Coming release status
    • 14:50 15:20
      Bugs 30m
      New bugs since previous meeting, as well as blockers and critical ones
    • 15:20 15:30
      A.O.B. 10m