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Mötesplats Rydberg - Freddy Ståhlberg: The Swedish National 7T facility

Rydbergsalen (Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department)


Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

This facility is one of the large infrastructures at Lund University. The facility will host a 7T MRI scanner for national use and it was funded by the infrastructure board at the Swedish research council in late 2010. The magnet was installed at Skåne university hospital, Lund in late 2014, in a cooperation between Lund University and Region Skåne. The facility is openly available for Swedish researchers and it is expected to become available from autumn 2015. With a human MRI scanner at 7T, one can expect significantly improved anatomical resolution as compared to clinical MRI scanners operating at 3T and below, and furthermore function techniques such as BOLD (fMRI) and MR spectroscopy will gain significantly from the increased field strength.