Event calendar at fysik.lu.se

Mötesplats Rydberg - Monica Almqvist: The challenge of sharing the excitement of science to the general public

Rydbergsalen (Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department)


Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

It is now 5 years since the inauguration of Vattenhallen Science Center. During these years about 150 000 visitors in all ages have passed by and enjoyed exhibitions, shows, labs, meetings, educations, pentathlons, after work, birthday parties or summer schools at Vattenhallen. All activities have the goal to increase young people´s interest in science and education. At the presentation, Monica Almqvist will share her experiences of building the exhibitions Shoot protons and tickle electrons and Medicon Alley in collaboration with scientists, engineers and communicators at ESS, MAX IV, SUS and Lund University.