26 August 2016, 14:10 - 15:12

Present: Balazs, Mattias, Jon, Aleksandr, Anders (last 2 min), Oxana
Apologies: David

= Urgent issues

Some unexplained crashes at NSC (segfaults) and LUNARC (huge infoprovider logs), probably due to some corrupted files. Still internal to NeIC, no reports filled yet.

= Bugs

= Release status

A bugfix release will be needed. To be fixed: 3470 (watchdog, would be nice), not clear when it'll be ready.

Jon will send a warning that a bugfix release is being planned.

Next major release would require a meeting.

= Coming meetings

September 10: back-ends FTF in Copenhagen
September 29: NeIC NT1 all-hands in Ljubljana
NordForsk project kick-off some time in October

= A.O.B.

Anders has some issues with linthian warnings (e.g. man pages for old arcproxy and canl++), something needs to be done.