Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons
9 September 2015, 14:00 - 14:50

Present: Mattias, Balazs, Aleksandr, David, Jon, Anders (last minute), Oxana

= News

Balazs is looking at why GLUE2 of ARC-CE is not visible in top-BDII: GLUE2 spec does not specify the actual tree structure, so everybody defined trees differently, and ARC's is not compatible with top/site-BDII. Converging is not trivial, but it has to be done. Would trigger a major release for sure.

A student in Lithuania would do a master project related to ARC.

Back-ends meeting in Copenhagen tomorrow, Skype can be used for remote paricipation.

ARC-CE workshop will be held in Barcelona during first week of March.

= Bugs

* 3468    arex excessive logging when infoproviders timeout expire - no progress
* 3210    CPU time isn't measured correctly for some jobs (e.g. ALICE) - no progress
* 3470    Watchdog did not restart arched after segfault - Aleksandr managed to reproduce it
* 3163    Infosystem showing incorrect info on multicore jobs with condor backend - no progress, testbed has died horribly
* 2036    infosys not scalable for ~100k jobs - no progress
* 3384    Support for per-queue authorisation configuration and publishing - no progress
* 3433    Publish authorised VOs per queue - no progress
* 3486    External helper log file location is hardcoded to controldir/job.helper.errors - got forgotten
* 3432    bdii-update.log fills up with complaints about dn suffix (REOPENED) - Mattias started looking into it
* 3457    Accounting problem with PBS/torque for multi-core jobs (REOPENED) - no progress
* 3503    PBS scan not parse node information - no progress
* 3508    ARC uses deprecated gfal2 headers and functions will be fixed for the next release
* 3509    GLUE2PolicyID must be unique if policy entries are different - minor issue
* 3510    a potential security issue, probably comes from bdb

= Release status

Many important fixes are in, including GGUS #116068. Watchdog is yet to be fixed (but no need to wait), and Davis is reporting one more. So the release process can start some time next week.

LHCb uses ARC from their own sources (via CERN afs).

= S3 DMC

Brings in a new dependency (libs3), which is easier to be bundled with ARC, but in turn it needs licurl which so far was not a dependency. Mattias wonders whether it won't be better to package it separately, as bundling is not really welcomed unless it is something very obscure. So far it looks sufficiently obscure. However, there is a Debian package called libs3 which seems to be the same thing. We can package it for Fedora. Mattias and Jon will look into it.

Another question whether it should be a separate package - indeed, most people won't need it, so the best is to package it separately.

= A.O.B.

No candidates to go to SC15 yet

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