7 October 2015, 14:00 - 15:30
Present: Balazs, Mattias, Jon, Aleksandr, Oxana
Apologies: Anders, David
== News
WLCG had a meeting on the future of infosystems.
Software Sustainability Institute has a service to evaluate the software, self-evaluation is possible (http://www.software.ac.uk/online-sustainability-evaluation), Balazs' attempt shows that we are bad with propaganda.
ARC 5.0.3 is in EPEL-testing, some more karma might be helpful. Some Globus updates are still applied.
Jon presented Grid in Norway to RECFA.
Master student in Lithuania is busy with some courses.
Big news in EU strategy: the European Open Science Cloud, for data services, exact nature to be defined by a dedicated committee
ARC workshop will be in Barcelona, ca. March 3-4, no specific plans yet.
Oxana tries to upload ARC logo to Wikipedia but it keeps being deleted for their license mess.
== Bugs
* 3514 - needs a workaround in the build scripts, untill gcc6 becomes the default
* 3504 got P1 because of new situation
== Release
5.0.3 is out, sites are asked to upgrade
== WLCG infosys evolution
WLCG wants to get rid of the hierarchical indexing and have a single bootstrap place, which is likely to be GOCDB.
We might want to migrate to GOCDB as well. ARC's own indexing hierarchy is not used by anybody anyway. ARC-CEs should not be sending registrations anywhere, and clients should start resource discovery from GOCDB.
For those who don't use GOCDB, one can envisage a simple text file on a Web.
Dynamic Grid is not there, it was a dream.
== A.O.B.
"ARC for e-Infrastructures" kick-off meeting will take place on October 29-30, CERN is proposed as a location, though it appears to be challenging for several people.
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