Organization of Partikeldagarna
Logistics is all sorted: we have enough participants to cover the large room and the invited speakers.
Abstract submission ongoing, the next email will encourage larger collaborations to submit joint abstracts and assign early career researchers as speakers.
Board composition and vote
Chair search still ongoing
Vote will be limited to SFS members present at Partikeldagarna (link will be sent via indico)
Elin gets the list from Lage, and Caterina cross-checks who is a member and can vote.
If there are too many non-members, Caterina will send an email via indico encouraging them to become members.
Logistics of vote tested on Balotilo (used also for main SFS election)
News of postponement should be distributed on elpasfysik as well.
So far the form has 18 entries, with a preference for:
Moving to 2023
Keeping Skeikampen as a location (but only marginal advantage)
Next meeting will be the week before Partikeldagarna (or 2 weeks before), could be 9th (most likely) or 16th of November.