21 October 2015, 14:00 - 14:50
Present: David, Jon, Mattias, Aleksandr, Anders, Oxana
Apologies: Balazs
= News
Globus fix triggered some other problem with GridFTP over IPv6, contacts with upstream still unsuccessful.
An ATLAS group in the USA got an alocation at a PowerPC based supercomputer, investigate options of running ARC-CE there (user mode). The older Tianhe-1 probably runs ATLAS jobs via ARC-CE as well. Looks like more countries move towards a supercomputer-based model.
SoftwareX welcomes ARC as a submission, but we have to emphasise impact in non-HEP sciences as well.
= Bugs
* 3505 - no perfect solution (ACIX logs are a pain), so the bug can be closed
* 3504 - there might be a patch by RedHat (openldap crashes), not tested yet
* 3432 - might be connected to 3504, note added
= Release
5.0.3 is in EPEL stable, no crashes in Oslo yet (save openldap). No bugfix release is foreseen soon.
No progress with ganliarc yet. Jon will submit a packaging bug.
= A.O.B.
Christian and Martin will go to SC15, need someone to make posters.
NordForsk project kick-off at CERN: Jon, David, Balazs, Florido, Martin, Christian, Matias, Aleksandr will attend, so the next meeting may get skipped.