Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

ZOOM link:

9 September 2022, 14:00 - 15:00

Present: Maiken, Balazs, Mattias, David, Anders (until 14:45), Aleksandr (until 14:30), Oxana

== News

Discussion on tokes scopes is ongoing, the defined 4 scopes needs to be mapped to job(s) and their states. E.g., does "cancel" refer to one job or to a set of jobs. AREX operates on user identities, so a user could cancel own jobs, though it is not implemented, as no scope validation is implemented. Groups are not identities, userid ("subject" in JWT) is. WLCG has "groups", but it is not well defined (e.g., shall all users in a group be treated as the same user? or shall only selected group users be authorised to act within a scope?). Deeper discussion of this would be needed at the hackathon. Basic submit/cancel/retrieve job submission operations should be tested.

== Release

There's a bug that blocks 6.16, so we'd need a 6.16.1 tag (6.16 won't be released, and re-tagging is a bad idea). The 6.16 builds in testing repos will not be propagated to stable. Will be the first release with Jammy. There are a couple of problems though: there's no zlib on Debian, which creates some hassle; and the NG key used to sign packages uses SHA1, so a new public key is needed, more investigation is needed.

Tag is expected within a day.

== Bugs

A number of SLURM-related bugs were discovered, as well as some others, fixes for the urgent ones were made already, mandating the new tag (fix for #4081 is being tested).


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