25 October 2022, 14:00 - 14:35

Present: Maiken, Mattias, David, Anders (after 14:25), Oxana
Apologies: Aleksandr, Balazs

== News

Ubuntu 22.04 (and 22.10) are missing from download.nordugrid.org, needs checking.
There are CI errors with CentOS7 (python3-isodate package is required), problem is understood. 

aCT can be an inspiration for the Galaxy's ARC-runner. No much news from the ESG still.

== Release

Plenty of merge requests still (fixes and clean-up). ARC7 is not ready yet, still unclear if things are missing, no full overview if what was planned is implemented.. Next meeting should be focused on understanding the release status.

== Bugs

#4091 feature request is in (token renewal extention for REST 1.1).