Technical coordination group members and invited persons
ZOOM link:
1 November 2022, 14:00 - 14:40
Present: Maiken, Mattias, David, Oxana
Apologies: Balazs
== News
ESG work slowly starts, too many simultaneous meetings though.
arc-rest plugin should be in plugins-needed, definitely for ARC7, otherwise token submission won't work.
IAM server broke down under many requests, so many HTCondor jobs were affected as the tokens couldn't be validated. Some authorisation caching is needed client-side (bug #4056, actually fixed on ARC side).
== Release
Merge request 1532 needs to be updated (rebase?) with the next branch before we can progress. ARC7 discussion meeting next week.
== Bugs
One bug got fixed, nothing reported. Maybe ARC7 (7.0) target is needed.
== AOB
WLCG workshop takes place next week, the weekly overlaps with lunch.