Technical coordination group members and invited persons
ZOOM link:
15 November 2022, 14:00 - 15:00
Present: Maiken, David, Anders, Balazs, Oxana
Apologies: Mattias, Aleksandr
== News
Nordugrid mirrors are being rebuilt after some bug-fixing. CI build on newest Ubuntus fail, probably because of changed metadata in the control-file.
No urgency in transition to multiple benchmarks, as HEPSCORE 22 will be renormalised to match HS06 and stay as a single benchmark (for now).
MAX IV is interested in using ARC, may be interesting for other synchrotron facilities. Tokens are a key feature. Local storages are unclear, a lightweight storage solution is needed. No much progress wrt tokens, which are used as new proxies for now. ESG is still in a bootstrap mode.
== Bugs
Nothing to report
== ARC7 timeline
Gitlab issue #122 documents the steps. Proper confirmation and testing is needed for the latest commits. A few feature requests will only be ready for 7.1, but these are not showstoppers. One may assume that the needed steps will be completed within 2 weeks. If so, an alpha release can be tagged on November 29 or December 6. Release in January 2023 is realistic.
== ARC6 release
An issue with checksum surfaced up, easy to fix, so a quick ARC6 bugfix release can be made, instead of waiting for ARC7. There are other fixes that can come along.