11 November 2011, 14:05 - 14:48

Present: Mattias, Balazs, David, Jon, Aleksandr, Oxana
Apologies: Anders

= News

Balazs contacted the student from Uzhgorod/Kosice who got a project on cryptography in ARC, a meeting should be organised involving David and Aleksandr to help with the project (has a submission client, wants to add security).

Also, Balazs plans to fill the NordForsk project tasks into Wiki.

David tries EMI-ES with Boinc, so far works well (shows up as "queue inactive" in the monitor as there's no gridftp). Andrej also tries EMI-ES in Ljubljana, with all kinds of jobs. Log is pretty terrible though, David did some changes. NSC and IJS observe poor performance of parallel transfers, to be investigated.

Mattias: Debian removed SSLv3 from its openssl library, which broke compilation of ARC and some other things and needed patching, now everything is back on track. No much progress in gangliarc on Debian, but will be in EPEL next week.

Systemd unit files will be required on Fedora 24, which will affect startup scripts and thus should be done in a major release. Blocker bug shouldbe opened to fix it.

Jon started a Wiki page comparing ur-logger and JURA (https://wiki.nordugrid.org/wiki/Ur-logger/JURA_feature_comparison), and incidentally Tiggi discovered a missing JURA feature that was in ur-logger (bug #3519).

Oxana: CERN will decommission ARC-CEs in favor of HTCondor-CEs for convenience (nothing is wrong with ARC-CEs).

= Bugs

* 3516: progressing
* 3519: should be demoted to "NORMAL" severity
* 3518: in progress
* 3470: might need a crash simulator, but is probably fixed (worked for David)

(Bugzilla is down)

= Release

No news, but probably there will be a bugfix release befor the next major one (not clear which bugs will be fixed though). Addition of probes might trigger a minor release.

= A.O.B.

SC15 poster is delivered to Martin and Christian, slides also exist.