25 November 2015, 14:05 - 15:00
Present: Mattias, Balazs, Jon, Aleksandr (wirelessly), Anders (from 14:28), Oxana
Apologies: David
= News
Mattias: gangliarc is now in Debian repositories
Jon: 15.03 might be on the way into UMD (see https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=116696)
Oxana: WLCG infosystem task force is very busy with new use cases, definitions, VO shares etc.
Anders: New NorduGrid CA is coming next week, featuring 4096 keysize, SHA256, 15 to 20 years lifetime, user DNs are the same as before. Oxana wonders whether several co-existing certificates with the same DN are officially allowed - technically it is possible, but not encouraged.
= Release
15.03u5 is out, nobody complained yet
= Bugs
* 3520 - mapping for EMI-ES perhaps should not be configured in [gridftpd] to begin with, might require a new bug/feature request
= A.O.B.
The retreat location is not narrowed down yet.