Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

ZOOM link:

26 September 2023, 14:05 - 14:30

Present: Maiken, Mattias, Anders, Balazs, Oxana, Aleksandr

== News

NeIC future is still unclear, though there are some positive developments. 
There is a new ARC cluster set up in Pittsburg, for LDMX needs, does not use IGTF trust anchors.
Work on ARC runner for Galaxy is ongoing, some aspects need to be discussed with the Galaxy developers during their coming meeting.
REST client is being finalised, distribution channel needs to be sorted out, probably together with nordugrid-arc.
The plans to duplicate a build system in Gitlab did not materialise yet.

== Releases

An ARC7 cross-checking needs to be done, there are some unfixed issues still. 
ARC6 bugfix is also needed, regardless of ARC7, the relevant issue is created in GitLab.

== Bugs

Not much changes, the new REST-related bug got quickly fixed.

== AOB

Time to start planning for a NorduGrid Conference in 2024

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