Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

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19 March 2024, 14:05 - 15:00

Present: Ievgen, Mattias, Balazs, Anders, Maiken, Aleksandr, Oxana

== News

  • NeIC paper is getting ready for submission, for Track 5
  • Critical bug #4148: looks like memory corruption in HTTP processing, yet to be fixed
  • pyarcrest should be a separate sub-pakage, but in the same source package, for now. Depends on ARC python libraries. The proposed location is arc/src/clients/arcrest.

== Bugs

The documentation bug #3345 should be closed as WONTFIX.

== Alpha2 status

No problems are reported so far, not many instances deployed though. A wider deployment is expected for a release candidate. System certificates fix and the critical bug #4148 fix should be added before tagging RC1.

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