ARC developers camp

Bodrogi Kúria, Inárcs (near Budapest airport)
Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet) , Farid Ould-Sada (University of Oslo)

The NorduGrid Collaboration invites ARC developers, system administrators and interested ARC users to a one-week-long January Coding Camp. The purpose of the f2f intensive workshop is to make progress on and resolve issues that would otherwise require intensive communication, thinking and coding together.

The January developer camp is a follow up of the ARC4eInfrstructures kick-off meeting and organized as part of 3-years ARC maintenance project funded by the Nordforsk Board.

  • Aleksandr Konstantinov
  • Andrii Salnikov
  • Balázs Kónya
  • Cedric Serfon
  • Christian Soettrup
  • David Cameron
  • Florido Paganelli
  • Garonne Vincent
  • Gábor Szigeti
  • Ievgen Sliusar
  • Jon Kerr Nilsen
  • Martin Skou Andersen
  • Mattias Ellert
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