Present: Florido, Aleksandr, Ievgen, Maiken, Anders, Balazs

Excused: Oxana


1) Release candidate progress:

- Rest 1.1:  Aleksander implemented instances and currently testing. Expect a merge in a couple of days.

Infosys: ongoing review and cleanup (20).    6 ( EPEL testing) will be done as a last step. Florido warns that due to the scale of the infosys cleanup and restructuring the release candidate may break things.  ACTION: we will need a warning message in the annoucement email.   Realistic development time needed: till end of May with testing in beginning of June.

- Tokens, authentication:

12 ([infosys/accesscontrol] ) is done, arcinfo yet needs to support unauthenticated (no tokens, no proxy) info query.

21: open

36: token info in accounting: open

11: open

this area needs appx one more week development

- other topics:

conf.d: done

4: the documentation update for ARC 7 was done. Ievgen will create a pull request for ARC6 documentation as well.

15 pyarcrest: ongoing


DECISION (in view of the above status):

NEW Release candidate date:  4th June 2024