25 June 2024, 14:00 - 14:45

Present: Balazs, Maiken, Mattias, Ievgen, Aleksandr, Anders, Oxana

== Cache issue

(Not related to ARC7) The behavior is that cache is getting filled up by files used by running jobs, all are in actual use so can not be cleaned up. Cleaning actually works, ones the files are released. The problem is that new jobs try to download files into cache that is full, and fail.  Some protection would be nice (e.g. keep the jobs in PREPARING until the cache cleans up). Reported in bug #4183. 

== ARC7 Release Candidate

The tag is made. Build can proceed. ARC6 minor tag will also happen shortly. Documentation for ARC6 needs to be updated wrt  APEL summaries version, also the GGUS ticket.

== Bugs

The question of multiple trust anchors arises again. Might be on the Panda side, more investigations and mails are needed.

LDAP depends on BDII, but the latter is only in EPEL, so some message in the validator is needed to suggest to enable epel-release if it is not enabled.

== AOB

Summer break in July, next meeting on August 13.