Present: Balazs, Oxana, Maiken, Ievgen, Anders, Mattias


This is the first weekly call after the summer break.

Maiken reports the cause of all her problems with the UIO cluster setup: it was insufficient memory allocation on the worker nodes that generated all sort of problems.

There may be a new developer person joining from Oslo

Galaxy portal project: data staging problems with https storages due to CA credentials (related bugs 4179,4178, 4185). WE need to find out howto fetch data from non IGTF storages.



ARC-7 release candidate is running in Oslo and Ievgen also deployed on CSC in Finland.

ARC 6-20.1:  according to bug 4161 there is still some problem gmlog WARNING messages for REST (gsiftp is fixed)



4185: important but not blocker, changing to major

we have  four GGUS tickets about ARC-CE probes



There is a proposal to start with monthly technical mini developer calls (online). Details to be worked out.

We need another bughunting morning, date/time to be announced later